Monday, March 31, 2008


Conditioning Day

5km Run or Row


Max Effort Day

Weighted Dips 5x5
Deadlift 5x3
Back Squat 5x5
Ice Cream Maker 5x3


Rest Day

Practice something your no good at !


Conditioning Day

21-15-9 Reps for time of

Walking Lunge
Heavy Swings
Box Jumps

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Max Effort Day

Dumbell Snatch 5x3
Band Resisted Pushups 5x5
Front Squat 5x5
Renegade Rows 3x8


Conditioning Day

1 min one each drill / 1 min rest in between sets

Sumo Deadlift Highpulls 20%BW
Sandbag Cleans to the Shoulder 40%BW
Handstand Holds against a wall


Rest Day

Stretch, move around, learn some thing new !

Friday, March 28, 2008


Max Effort Day

Over Head Squat 5x5
Power Clean 5x3
Weighted Pullups 5x5
Plank holds front and side 2 sets to failure

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Conditioning Day

20 Min For Max Rounds Of

5 Pullups
5 Dumbell/Kettlebell Snatches 30% BW
5 Big Box Jumps (waist height at least)


Max Effort Day

Back Squat 5x3
Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x3
Hand Stand Pushups 3 set stoping just short of failure
L-Sit 1 Min total

*If your currently unable to do a HSPU work a heavy press for 5x3 and spend 10 min practicing handstands.