Thursday, April 08, 2010

Thursday WOD

Competition Training Day 8

Max Effort Bench 1 RM max
Speed Squat 65% x 2 x 10

10min for max distance
100m shuttle runs with 30kg sandbag

Complete 10 rounds of:

One rounds consists of the following:
One Arm DB Power Clean Right
One Arm DB Front Squat Right
One Arm DB Push Press Right
One Arm DB Front Squat Right
One Arm DB Push Press Right

then switch hands....

One Arm DB Power Clean Left
One Arm DB Front Squat Left
One Arm DB Push Press Left
One Arm DB Front Squat Left
One Arm DB Push Press Left

*Do Not Drop The Weight. Do Not Set It Down.

*If weight is dropped, count number of drops and perform an equal amount of burpees as a penalty.

Record number of total drops and weight of dumbbell used

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