Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday WOD

Bench work up to a new 5RM
Squat work up to a new 5RM
Power Clean work up to a new 1RM


Monday, July 27, 2009

Tuesday WOD

Squat - 10x2
Bench - 10x2

Use same weight as last weeks Dynamic day, 40 sec rest between sets

Weighted Sit ups 3x10 Heavy

3 Rounds for time
400m Run
Pullups to max reps

Once you fall off the bar start the next run ....

Friday, July 24, 2009

Saturday WOD

Push Press 5x3 up 2.5kg from last week
Deadlift - new 5RM

For Time
400m Sled Drag (Body Weight)

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Dynamic Bench 6x3 add 2.5kg from last week but keep good speed on the bar
Max Effort Squat - heavy single up from last week
Power Clean 2 reps every min for 10min (80%-90% 1RM) up from last week if you made all the reps

For Time
Deadlift 80kg

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tuesday WOD

Starting Week 4

Dynamic Squat 6x3 - add 2.5kg from last week but keep good speed on the bar
Max Effort Bench - heavy single up from last week
L-Sit 1 min total time

Complete 5 rounds for time:

Squat Max Reps
7 Burpee Box Jumps (at least knee height)

If under a body weight of 100kg use 100kg. If body weight is over 100kg use your body weight.

Record total time and number of reps

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday WOD

Push Press 5x3 up 2.5kg from last week
Deadlift - new 5RM

For Time
Farmers Walk 400m 75% Body weight total loading
eg. BW = 80kg than use 30kg each hand

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thursday WOD

Dynamic Bench 6x3 add 2.5kg from last week but keep good speed on the bar
Max Effort Squat - heavy single up from last week
Power Clean 2 reps every min for 10min (80%-90% 1RM)

5 Rounds For Time

10 Thrusters 40kg

10 Pullups

Huge props to Micheal, being new to this style of hard training and pushing through some pain to crush this work out with a time of 7.01 ! Absolutely bad ass.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tuesday WOD

Dynamic Squat 6x3 - add 2.5kg from last week but keep good speed on the bar
Max Effort Bench - heavy single up from last week
Weighted Sit Ups 3x10


Complete twelve (12) 100 meters sprints on the minute.

Start the clock on your first sprint. You perform a sprint at the top of every minute. You have one minute to complete the sprint. For example, If you run the sprint in 15 seconds, you have 45 seconds to rest. Record the time of your 1st and 12th sprint.

Post times of 1st and 12th sprint...... Good Luck

Friday, July 10, 2009

Saturday WOD

Push Press 5x3 up 2.5kg from last week
Heavy Yoke Walk 3x25 use a barbell across your back
Deadlift - new 5RM

Choose One of the Following Sports:

Swim: 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)

Bike: 3x( 1/2mile + 1 mile+ 2 mile)

Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)

C2: 3x( 250m +500m+ 700m)

Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Thursday WOD

Dynamic Bench 6x3 add 2.5kg from last week but keep good speed on the bar
Max Effort Squat - heavy single up from last week
3 Sets of Sandbag Get ups Sit Ups

Barbell Complex
3 Rounds For Time
Complete the cycle 7 times for 1 round
Power Clean
Back Squat
Push Press
After the cycle is completed 7 times:
20 yard Bear Crawl (10 yards up and 10 yards back)
*Rest 2 minutes between sets.

*Do Not Drop The Weight! If weight is dropped, count number of drops and perform an equal amount of burpees as a penalty at the end of your 3 rounds

Record weight, number of drops and total time

My Favourite BBQ Meat

1.5-2kg Pork Collar Butt (see your butcher)
1 Cup Kikkomans Teriyaki Marinade Sauce
1 Knob of Fresh Ginger
1-3 Hot Chillies
1-3 Pieces of Garlic
Splash of Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

Slice the pork length ways so you have two long fillets. Now score one side of each piece of pork (about 1cm deep). Prepare marinade by grating the ginger and finely chopping the garlic and the chilli. Mix garlic, ginger, chilli and teriyaki sauce in a large bowl. Add a splash of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Soak the meat in the marinade for as long as possible (over night is best).

Get your BBQ nice and hot and place the meat strips on the grill, then turn the heat down and close the lid on the BBQ. Depending on the heat, the meat will need about 15-20 min each side. Once it's ready, allow it to sit for 5min and then slice it into 2cm steaks. Your meat should be MEDIUM with a slight pink tinge in the middle. Serve with aioli on the side. This will serve 4 easy...or one for a few days. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Paleo Nut Balls (Super Easy!)

1 1/2 Cups Almond Meal (150g)
1/2 Cup Hazelnut Meal (50g)
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
2 Tbs Honey
2 Tbs Cocoa Powder
1/4 Cup Shredded Coconut

Mix all ingredients, except the coconut, in a large bowl. Roll into balls and coat with coconut. Variations: make it into a slice using a slice tin lined with baking paper, or add dried fruits to the mixture.

Tuesday WOD

Dynamic Squat 6x3 - add 2.5kg from last week but keep good speed on the bar
Max Effort Bench - heavy single up from last week

For Time


Power Clean @ body weight
Pull Ups

Reduce the weight on the cleans if this is to heavy (40kg,60kg whatever your level is)

Post Times to Comments

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Saturday WOD

Push Press 5x3
Heavy Sandbag Carry 3x50m
Deadlift up to a 5RM

Tabata (20sec work 10sec rest)
Pullups For Reps
Pushups For Reps
Bear Crawl For Distance

Complete 8 rounds of Tabata on each exercise before moving on to the next

Sorry for the late post i was smoked last night after training !

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Thursday WOD

Dynamic Bench 6x3 @60%
Max Effort Squat - up to a heavy single
Power Clean 2 reps every min for 10min (80%-90% 1RM)
3 Sets of Strict Hanging Leg Raises

Cot Death
5 Rounds
Row 300m
Rest 1min

Post individual row times to comments