Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday WOD

Week 4 - Last Test

Bench 1RM
Deadlift 1RM

6x100m max efforts

Rest 2 min between sets

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday WOD

Week 4 - Testing

Press new 1RM
L-Sit 1 min

10min on the clock for max rounds possible
5x through the agility box (see picture)
pullups to failure

Use cones, dumbells, kids, rocks what ever you have to, to make up the box. From the start point perform a push up and sprint through the box back to the start and perform another push up to start lap 2. After five laps do a set of pullups till you fall off the bar.... then start round 2

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tuesday WOD

Week 4 - Testing

Dynamic Effort Standing Press 6x3 add 2.5kg from last week but move the bar FAST!
Squat new 1RM
Hang Power Clean new 1RM

3 x 400m run/jog with 1/2 body weight sandbag
Rest 2-3 min between rounds

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday WOD

Bench Press 5x5 up 2.5 from last week (2 min rest in between sets)

Barbell Step ups 1 each leg on the minute for 10 minutes up 2.5 from last week

(*Use a box tall enough so when your foot is on the box your hamstring is parallel to the floor.*Place the weight on your back in a squat position and stand up so both feet are on the box, then step down, start out with a manageable weight with good form)

Deadlift work up to a new 5RM !

Complete as many rounds possible in 10 minutes of:

Max Rep Pull Ups
Sprint 100 meters

Post total number of Pull Ups and rounds completed

Thursday WOD

Standing Press up to a heavy single (1rep)

Squat 5x5 -If you made all your reps last week increase the weight by 2.5kg

Deadlift 6x3 (start with 60% 5rm, move the bar as fast as possible 40 sec rest in between sets)

increase weight from last week by 5 kg

For Total Distance
Row 1 min on 1min off for 5 Rounds (10min)

Sorry for the late postings there was some it issues at home.

And if any one can build the tool in the picture I will pay good money for it

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tuesday WOD

Week 3 cycle

Dynamic Effort Standing Press 6x3 add 2.5kg from last week but move the bar FAST!

Squat up to a 90% 1Rm for 5 singles

Hang Power Clean 2 reps on the minute for 10 minutes (add 2.5kg from last week)

Choose ONE of the following sports
Swim, Bike, Run, C2 Row
Goal is to use maximum effort for 2 min interval.
120:60 x 6 or 2 min on 1 minute off x 6

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Video Highlight

Some great stuff here

Friday, August 14, 2009

Saturday WOD

Bench Press 5x5 up 2.5 from last week (2 min rest in between sets)

Barbell Step ups 1 each leg on the minute for 10 minutes up 2.5 from last week

(*Use a box tall enough so when your foot is on the box your hamstring is parallel to the floor.*Place the weight on your back in a squat position and stand up so both feet are on the box, then step down, start out with a manageable weight with good form)

Deadlift work up to your current 5rm


10 rounds of:

50m sprints

*The focus is to run at maximal speed for all 10 sprints
*Rest 30-45 seconds between sprints
*Run at 90-100% effort on all sprints

Post fastest time

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday WOD

Standing Press up to a heavy double (2reps)

Squat 5x5 -If you made all your reps last week increase the weight by 2.5kg

Deadlift 6x3 (start with 60% 5rm, move the bar as fast as possible 40 sec rest in between sets) increase weight from last week by 5 kg

6 Min for Max Rounds of

6 Sandbag To Shoulder (20kg), 200m Run with the sandbag, 10 Pullups

Rest 2 min and repeat once more

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday WOD

Week 2 cycle

Dynamic Effort Standing Press 6x3 add 2.5kg from last week but move the bar FAST!

Squat up to a heavy single (1) take your time with it use 5-7 sets

Hang Power Clean 2 reps on the minute for 10 minutes (add 2.5kg from last week)

3 Rounds For Time
Row 500m
Zercher Carry body weight 50m

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Saturday Arvo Lifting

After some heavy push press we hit the deads, with an attempt at new 5RM. After a big 5 weeks under the bar, results speak for them self ! (Click on photo to blow it up)

Great Work Today Guys !

Friday, August 07, 2009

Saturday WOD

Bench Press (start out with a hard but manageable weight, some wear in the vicinity of 80% of your 1rm if you know it 2 min rest in between sets)

Barbell Step ups 1 each leg on the minute for 10 minutes (*Use a box tall enough so when your foot is on the box your hamstring is parallel to the floor.
*Place the weight on your back in a squat position and stand up so both feet are on the box, then step down, start out with a manageable weight with good form)

Deadlift work up to 90% of previous 5RM for 5 reps

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Thursday WOD

Standing Press up to a heavy triple (3reps)

Squat 5x5 (start out with a hard but manageable weight, some wear in the vicinity of 80% of your 1rm if you know it 2 min rest in between sets)

Deadlift 6x3 (start with 60% 5rm, move the bar as fast as possible 40 sec rest in between sets)

3 Rounds

30 Double Unders

30 Situps

10 Sandbag Halfmoons 15kg

Monday, August 03, 2009

Tuesday WOD

Week 1 of new cycle

Standing Press 6x3 (start with 60% 5rm [LIGHT WEIGHT], move the bar as fast as possible 40sec rest in between sets)

Squat up to a heavy triple (3reps)

Hang Power Clean 2 reps on the minute for 10 minutes (start out with a hard but manageable weight, some wear in the vicinity of 85% of your 1rm if you know it)

For Time

400m Run


Bench Press Body Weight

Towel/Gi Pullups

400m Run

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Saturday WOD

Press 5RM
Deadlift set a new 5RM

Row 2km