Friday, August 14, 2009

Saturday WOD

Bench Press 5x5 up 2.5 from last week (2 min rest in between sets)

Barbell Step ups 1 each leg on the minute for 10 minutes up 2.5 from last week

(*Use a box tall enough so when your foot is on the box your hamstring is parallel to the floor.*Place the weight on your back in a squat position and stand up so both feet are on the box, then step down, start out with a manageable weight with good form)

Deadlift work up to your current 5rm


10 rounds of:

50m sprints

*The focus is to run at maximal speed for all 10 sprints
*Rest 30-45 seconds between sprints
*Run at 90-100% effort on all sprints

Post fastest time

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