Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Thursday WOD

Military Press

Perform the following sets based off you 1RM, for a total of 3 work sets after your warm ups sets. Rest 1.5-3 min between sets
75% x 5 reps
80% x 5 reps
85% x 5+ reps

Tabata Deadlift / Hand Stand Push Ups

For 20 seconds do as many reps of deadlift as you can. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat this 7 more times for a total of 8 sets. Your score is counted by total number of reps in 8 sets.

Rest 1 minute

For 20 seconds do as many reps of hand stand push ups as you can. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat this 7 more times for a total of 8 sets. Your score is counted by total number of reps in 8 sets.

Amateur/Collegiate - 100KG

Professional - 140KG

Post total reps of deadlift + handstand push ups

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